Zhao Bandi

A Tale of Love Gone Wrong for Pandaman
Video, black-and-white, sound, 15 minutes

Block SARS, Defend the Homeland
Approx. 36 x 54 in.


hahah, i love it.
it's the love affair between pandaman and panda. the vidwo is so nonsensical. at the end of of i was like huh? but it's great. I love the choice of music. the classic "butterfly dream" suggests a deeply loving relationship, but the poison tongue girlfiend is not the subject of his love indeed. I think it's the panda doll.

He was so imitmate with all the petting and caressing the panda, my god, no wonder his girlfriend left him. but still. artists... in some ways, what else do you expect? I read somewhere that the panda represent the one child policy. but... hum... I still don't get how the intimacy with the panda has to do with it. I mean, if you don't got mommy, you can't have a baby! so rather a stuffed panda than a real person relationship?

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