Chen Ligyang- Hanging Scroll

Hanging Scroll
Blood on paper
20 ft. x 12 in.

And i though it was flower petals and butterflies....
It amazing that someone would think of using menstrual blood, and not just anyone else's menstrual blood, but the artist's very own, to create a "painting". I was like 'ugh....err...ok... wow." first reaction upon finding out did throw me off a bit, but hey it is quite fasinating.

being cynical and all, i thought " well, Andy Warhol did said 'art is what you can get away with'. you got something interesting and shocking enough, you got a winner, and get away with it." so i thought that the artisit is using blood as a shockers. I mean, it's contmeporary chinese art, anything can happen in avent-gard. blood painting, yeah, heard that before. but menstural blood, humm, you got avent-gard! and i thought. yea yea you make up a story about what you are trying to express about this shocking move, breed a solid enough philosophy and ppl will go crazy and fall in love with it.

But i think... there is something here. menstural blood is very womanly, you don't see any other category of human existence having menstral period. so it is in ways an uniques expression of the female gender. and using her own blood, that says to be the artist is a very direct, honest, and interesting person. She is exposing her intimate realm to us. it's basically saying, "this is me, and my blood, i am out here for you to see, take it or leave it." I think this confrontational directness has a strange charm to it.

besides, the painting does has a aesthetic beauty to it, it's actually really cool!

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